Saturday 2 June 2012

(9) Imagination

(google image)

I gotta move like jagger!!
I gotta move like Dagger!

Macbeth hallucinated about flying dagger.

We can only just imagine how Macbeth hallucinated about the flying dagger, our imaginations are vary from one person to the others and it’s really beautiful, my imagination of flying dagger might be different from you. Everybody is different, everybody have their own interpretation.

Well, all this long we talk about Macbeth as if he was a real person that lives a long time ago in the far away kingdom. We study about him, analyze him, and some fall in love with him.

I wonder how Macbeth is portray in everybody mind? How he look like? I mean the power of imagination. Macbeth life and died in the mind of people who read the story, whoever Macbeth is, good or bad, it all in your mind, your interpretation, that finally will reflect on your own self, your personality and the way you think. It’s all about imagination.

I wonder how my classmates see Macbeth. Our mind is just like a stage, if I could just see my classmate imagination about Macbeth, I really would like to see how they imagine Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, King Duncan and many more. I would like to see how they pictured the characters, the setting, the way the characters act, and so on. It’s really a wonderful thing.

This remind me of Macbeth’s hallucination, eventhough this part already discussed so many time in classes, but still, I want to say something about it. I never experienced any sort of hallucination; I wonder how Macbeth could see a flying dagger so clearly. The great battle in his heart and mind cost him to experience hallucination.

Another thing I realise during act 2 scene 1where Macbeth monologue about flaying dagger he said about   “... Witchcraft celebrates Pale Hecate’s offerings,” so I search Hecate in the google and turn up that...

 “Hecate is an ancient goddess who is sometimes depicted as being a triple formed goddess. She has rulership over earth, sea and sky, and is variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, fire, light, the Moon, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, necromancy and sorcery as well as a more universal role as Saviour (Soteira), Mother of Angels and the Cosmic World Soul.” (Wikipedia)

For me it seems like Macbeth was doing the sacrifice for Hecate.

Imagination is a great thing, use it wisely.

Che Mohd Nazrin B. Che Mohd Yusoff 153914

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