Sunday 3 June 2012

(8) Is Lady Macbeth really evil?

Good Or Evil??

 Lady Macbeth, as we all know this Lady was the one who really behind Macbeth when he takes decision to kill Duncan that night when he also see the flying dagger heading to Duncan’s sleeping room.
She is the one who also always dare Macbeth to do something worst far away from his own feelings. But still he dare to do it. When Macbeth having some kind of sickness after killing Banquo that evening, Lady Macbeth also give him some injection to be tough.
But when we think, lady Macbeth actually deep in her heart was a very kind person. But her passionate towards power and material, she pulled away her kindness and run for the wealthy life in castle. Shakespeare create the situation where she sleepwalking in the castle and wants to throw away the dirty spot on her hands.
It proven Lady Macbeth in her unconscious condition still thinking about the killing she has to do to get the most great power in Scotland. It is like situational irony when she in her conscious condition she does everything evil like she has no soul of human in herself. But in her unconscious condition she did worried the sin she has done towards all the people she killed.
in my opinion, i think Lady Macbeth is actually kind but her passion towards power and everything killed her inside.

maherlamm 154595

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