Saturday 2 June 2012

(3)A Poem for the Lady..

I' m gonna write a poem for Lady Macbeth,
Well she's the person I hate the most in this story at the early stage of me understanding this story,
But then, after a few weeks, when I get a clear picture of the story, she still remain as someone i don't like, but as the second place.hehe
Because she holds a characteristic of a woman who would want to dominate everything,
take control of everything, and controls her man.. well I should know what Macbeth feels like.
Yes, Macbeth's greediness is not entirely because of her, but for me, she is still one of the cause that trigger the greed and unleash the beast.
 So , this is your poem lady..

Lady Macbeth
Beautiful, smart, but cunning
A wife of the coward Macbeth
Who loves her husband, to conquer, and wealth
Who will do anything, be it bad or good way, to achieve prosperity
Who had been miserable for the sins she did
Resident of her own puppet
Lady Macbeth the 'King' of Scotland

p/s: the puppet is Macbeth =)

Amir Suad Bin Asari

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