Sunday 3 June 2012

(8)How Do I Read?

okey, at the earlier of my entry I said that I cannot understand reading this text because of the old English language Shakespeare used, so now i would like to share how do I read and understand it.

well I used e-notes where it provided me with the original text with the translation next to it,
this way, i can still read the original text and refer to the normal text whenever i cannot understand it,
I think it will kill the joy of reading this play if we fully ignored the original text and only depends on the translation as the old language , although hard to understand, is really beautiful if you have extra effort to study it a little deeper, or maybe you can say the way Shakespeare use the old language is very beautiful.

Although I use the e-notes, reading it sometimes is still quite tiring and hard to understand,
so I also refer to discussion sites on the internet for some of the difficult part of the play.
It is useful as you can also view other's opinion on the play, sometimes it's quite far away elaborated by the readers, but is still useful and give me many different views and perspective in understanding this play.

However, most of the easiest way I understand this play is in the lecture by Ms Dzeelfa.
Not just from the lecture, from the discussion from classes, I could understand more by listening to Ms. Dzeelfa and my friends opinion about any part or scene in the play. And I admire her story telling in the class, or when she explained something about the play or any other text, she had her own way in giving us her opinion. I do remember Dr. Jaya's class, and both of them, Dr.Jaya and Ms. Dzeelfa had their own way in lecturing us and making us understand.

That, is how I read Macbeth. "Reading is Understanding".

Amir Suad Bin Asari

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