Saturday 2 June 2012

(6) Persona Poem

Kind, Player, Greedy
The harsh of Scotland,
Who play the game to power, king of greediness,
Whom being controlled by his wife and led by passion,
Who killed his own happiness for the bloody throne,
Resident of tragedies,
Greediness of Scottish Land

This persona poem I really dedicate to Macbeth
He actually has the kind heart when he fought for Scotland with his bare hands and defending Scotland from Norwegian army.
When he feel the guilt of killing Duncan and Banquo,
But he’s been persuades by his wife Lady Macbeth which always dare him to do something that he don’t want to,
He’s playing safe by using the three witches to achieve his goal and become the mortal king,
He play a lot of unworthy things, which led him to suffer. The tragedies continue when the England army led by Macduff overwhelmed Scotland.
And it’s the end for Macbeth the king of greediness.

maherlamm 154595

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