Sunday 3 June 2012

(7) Vid 1 vs Vid 2

Firstly, I want to thank Miss Dzeelfa for the interesting activity making the video for Macbeth, before this, we have done the first video which is cool, but the first video didn’t satisfy our feelings towards the assignment. Because of some reason which is time, the technique we use and also the sound. We do make our effort to the video, but still we can’t do it properly and we also have the language barrier and we cannot understand much on the old language.
For this second video, we really have to make something because we know you must be hoping something for the 2nd video, maybe sort of improvement and interesting act for the killing scene. So we plan to do it in other place setting which is behind the Veterinary Faculty. The place is suitable for the setting of forest and we are able to make some fire there. We started to understand more on the scene where the 3 murderer killed Banquo by Macbeth order.
We realize that Macbeth actually wants the throne so badly, when Banquo his best comrade during the war and also best friend when in Scotland didn’t do anything to harm Macbeth. Still Macbeth wants to kill him as to make he himself the best among the best to have the throne of Scotland on that particular time.
We also read the next scene in Macbeth, where the murderer actually mention about the blood split on him was Banquo’s, and also he mention he slit Banqou’s throat. So we get the idea to slaughter Banquo in our video. We bought some syrup as effort to make it more realistic. Although, it is a little bit gory, but I think it is suitable for the adult viewer.
We were making this 2nd video with much more understanding using our very own language and get more ideas on how to do it. We didn’t have to read the text twice this time because we know the flow and what will happened in the story after this.

By maherlamm 154595

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