Sunday 3 June 2012

(10) Reflection on this subject….Yeah!

Firstly, I want to talk about the 2nd video, we were really glad that we have done it properly and in my own opinion we can actually sell this video haha!

This video we make in a very relax situation, we don’t have to worry about the language we used, we don’t have to worry about the storyline anymore and we also didn’t have to worry about the suitability on setting.

In this video, me acting as Banquo just don’t have to practice on the fighting scene where we have to do It first time. For the second I just beat them all with my stick..and it is really fun!
In addition, my opinion throughout the subject was awesome although we had a hard time in the earlier session where we had disappointed you much on the presentation,. We’re really sorry for the incident.

Alhamdulillah, for the whole session, I looked forward for what you have done to us. It is a very embarrassing situation when we had to attend an additional class at tutorial 3. I’m ashamed of myself being such ungrateful to you. Frankly saying, you are the best lecturer after your Guru Prof Jaya.

I have understand much on the material we have to used and the alternative we should used in the teaching and learning sessions in school. you have taught us how to manipulate students when encountered certain situation.

And therefore, I have understand much on Macbeth story which I never plan to study, but with your explanation and teaching we actually used to Macbeth and understand better. It is actually a very interesting story. The personal growth you have plant in our mind did give effects. And a very much thank you for teaching and be patient with us….please halal all your knowledge an effort.

By Maherlamm 154595

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