Sunday 3 June 2012

(5)Greed, Coward, and Guilt


He's a well known fighter for the country,
He can be called as a Hero for Glamis,
He received trust from the top person of Scotland,
He had great companion like Banquo,
Greediness led to the end of all that.
He killed, not as a fighter but as a traitor,
He killed, as Glamis itself cannot satisfy him,
He killed, the one who gave him trust, King Duncan,
He killed,  his best companion, Banquo.


He has characteristics of a hero,
He killed hundreds opponents at the battlefield,
He obtain a great position of the country,
Deep inside he is a Coward,
He is a puppet of a housewife,
He's fill with horror after one kill, the king,
He trembles as he sees someone he know had already died,
He is a coward


He thinks he can live in peace after he reached the top,
He thinks he can delete that image of murderous act,
He thinks he'll be long live king,
But, guilt came forward,
Haunting his on his throne,
Haunting him in every of his sleep, 
Killing him in the end of his day,
Guilt will never disappear.

Amir Suad Bin Asari

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