Sunday 3 June 2012

(9) "The Scottish Play" , "Macbee"

From my earlier post, I mentioned about my confusion about the remedy of the three witches' black magic,
well i said that i thought that the remedy really exist but with some additional by Shakespeare to make it sounds more devilish and beautifully rhymed at the same time,

Well, I try looking out about it on the internet, i dont found it until I open the Wikipedia for Macbeth, it is actually true! And the real story is even more horrific than I thought. This is what it is all about.*scary soundtrack*

Well, Shakespeare is said to use the spells of the real witches in the play according to Wikipedia, and this has caused anger to the witches, causing them to curse the play. And the aftermath? Many incidents and accidents happened during the play just because the name of the play ,Macbeth, involving actors and and crews. The seriousness level of this curse is that it even involved injury and deaths among them. Most of the accidents happened during the play. One of the most serious accidents related to the curse that happen is the Astor Place Riot which caused 25 deaths and 120 injured. It is told that this riot caused by a conflict over two performances of Macbeth, and it sure is related to the curse. You can take a look at that information of the riot in this link

How do they face the curse? As they thought that saying the name of the play, Macbeth,will cause the accidents and deaths, they come with the idea to not use the name of the play in the theatre, instead of that, they use the name indirectly such as "Macbee" or "The Scottish Play". As for the name of the characters, they use the name "Mr. and Mrs. M" or "The Scottish King"

To dispell the curse, many superstitious ritual they had created. One of them is the one who uttered the name will have to leave the building the stage is in immediately, run around it three times, spit over their shoulder, and say an obscenity and then wait to be invited back to the building. Ridiculous isnt it? There are many more similar ritual to dispell the curse but all of them is quite ridiculous and superstitious.

Unbelieveable for me the level of the superstitious of their era, but I really do wonder whether the curse really works at that time? Again if it is a real spells of the real witches, high possibility the remedy for their 'cooking' might be the real one too. But what on earth is Dragon Scale?? hurm, maybe a Boa Snake as big as a dragon. Who knows right? At their era, it might be possible.

Amir Suad Bin Asari

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