Saturday 2 June 2012

(5) Macbeth Video Project I Aftermath

Azami Mohamed 154992

I thought ol' English has given an interesting introduction session to me. As for reading, I bet yes. The walls have been torn down, or atleast half. But looking back at the video project, Act 3 Scene 3, Old English is still a nightmare to utter to. Had a really terrible experience in remembering the lines. And not to forget, to thanks the rain for adding salt on my wounds caused by Old English Macbeth lines. ARGHH!

Disappointment. That is all I can say. But, I'm not blaming anyone else for this. Maybe I have tackled this Old English thing the wrong way. Or maybe extra efforts should have been made. But what to do, the past is past. What's done is done. Tragically, the week that we have made the first video project was a very very very very very very very very very very hell of a week. Hectic frantic and wasnt fantastic, at all.

So, dear me. Although I have always have the same resolution since the past 10 years, but please please please, do please not to have procrastination running in your lifestyle anymore. You will never know when things such as that week ( the hectic frantic week) will ever happen again. You never gonna see it coming. Things happen.

But, the video project II was totally opposite. Wait for my next response.

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