Sunday 3 June 2012

(6)Unlucky Duncan's Son

Maybe there are not much of his story,
but that day, when miss Dzeelfa talked about him,
I felt interested, in a different way,
I felt sympathized..
He lost his father at his own people,
He's the one nearest to the throne,
sad for him, 
not even close to becoming the king,
He fled away afraid of being accused,
which of course he will..
he fled, leaving all the sadness and mourning,
He fled like a fugitive,
Being a cast away at other's country,
and in the end,
He gets killed.
This is really sad,
Imagine you are him,
Running away at the time he should be a King,
at time he should be sad and mourning for the death of his father,
not the one being accused,
but that's the reality of being him, 
being someone holding the power,
in a world filled by greedy people,
that anytime can stab you from the back.
He's not the main character,
I'm sure not many remember him,
But his life is really miserable,
and it attract my sympathy.
So i post it here =)

Amir Suad Bin Asari

1 comment:

  1. some correction here i would like to make at the part i said that he died,well he did not. he just flee to England. but is still sad to be him. my bad sorry.hehe
