Sunday 3 June 2012

(4)Freedom brings up Creativity

After the presentation of the first video, as we all know, my group didnt do really well
That's why we are more grateful about the second video task 
because we are more prepared and had earlier shooting,
but the most interesting thing is, of course we had our freedom to use our east coast slang 
and the language we used..
As for me, I can understand word by word the dialog for my part, 
and I can understand the situation we're acting.
Beside that, we also make better use of the feature in the Vegas Pro software. As example, we change the colour to make it look like an older video and we put three layer of audio in the video, for background music, the original video sound, and one more layer for 'dubbing' on part that need some correction if you realized it the presentation day.
We had combination of three slang which is from Terengganu, Pahang and Kelantan. And actually i wanted to use my hometown slang Kuala Berang, which is much more different and weirdly sounded compare to Kuala Terengganu, but i lost focus in the acting because me myself are not really used to using that slang.
To conclude it, I am satisfied with the second video presentation and I really do think the key to achieving a successful video is to be given unlimited space of freedom for creativity. 

Amir Suad Bin Asari

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