Sunday 3 June 2012

(10)Macbeast keeps on revolving

Azami Mohamed 154992

So this is it. The tenth post on our Macbeth play blogspot.  I would like to share what I have summarize on the Tragedy of Macbeth. No, I am not giving a summary as in the literary context. But I would like to mirror this play upon the world. From my humble point of view. So do please to withstand my gibberish for few minutes.

To me, The Tragedy of Macbeth is only a stage of human doings with Old English as the lingua franca. Macbeast and the other fellow characters are just the projection of the people in the past of Shakespeare's era and ahead of the time which is now and the future. The same old story keeps on repeating over and over and over again. Only two things are changed which are the characters and language. And not to forget, culture.

Why did I said as above? I heard and read people's opinion. Some of them say the people in the past were better than in our generation. They say, the past generation are more God fearing, they are more pious. But hell, how come the man of religion believe in black magic? What have went wrong when Macbeast went on 'berserk' in capturing his throne? So, modern people are better? Is genocide  and killing in the name of whatever you are believing is holier than Macbeast? I don't think so.

The Tragedy of Macbeth is only like a documentary of this world vicious cycle. How disgusting it was, is. It is all because of power, fame and wealth. Since the time of the Pharaoh people have oppressed and killed for power and wealth. Because when you have those two, fame will emerge.

It is never wrong to go to the top spot. Climb your way up. But what makes it wrong is when you start to step on  other's head to get to the top. Not only you stepped on one's head, you stomp upon his head so he'd just fall onto the rocky cliff.

I think, that is the main reason why the idea and message in Macbeth will never going to go obsolete. We can't deny what is in it because the vicious cycle is still revolving for hundred million of years.

As a conclusion, The Tragedy of Macbeth has opened my eyes in many ways. I have learnt new strategy to read this kind of literary work. Thanks to you, Ms.Dzeelfa. Secondly, I have learnt to give the world another angle of view. How things could happen. How tragedy could consume its victim violently. How people never change.

And yes, for this course, it was great. Thank you, again Ms. Dzeelfa for not giving up on us. This is really an eye opener for us. As an adult and future educator, we must not just complain on how bad our student is. But why don't we twist and bend our method a little bit. For the sake of knowledge and humanity. I'm sure you have never expected much trouble from me at the beginning. I'm sure you have done much alteration in your approach just to help such reluctant, no not reluctant, I would say stubborn learner like me. HAHA. Thank you again!

Alright, for the second time, as a conclusion, the journey was great! Okay now I am putting a period on my gibberish writing. See you again!

p/s: It would be great when Macbeth is no more relevant and went obsolete.

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