Sunday 3 June 2012

(10) Is This Final?

My entry number 10!
Yep, I'm 4 hours late, but thanks to Ms. Dzeelfa accept my permission for extension, hehee

Well what did Macbeth gave me?
Macbeth gave me a lot of things to talk about. Not only me, my friends too. Just look at Azami, never seen him posting or writing anything that long with his powerful use of english language, he really had lots of thing to share. So do I. Give this blog entries task to me at the earlier of the semester, i'm pretty sure I had nothing to talk about as I never understand it before. Now eventhough some of it looks like gibberish thought of mine, at least it is something to talk about, it is something that I had in mind and caught my attention. Many part of this Macbeth play had kept me thinking and at the same time had teach me a lot. It would be great if more people are introduced to this play.

Same as the play, Macbeth, which had its storyline, our learning of this play also has its own storyline. We started with zero. I started with zero, I first met this play is when I get here, but I first learn it is in this semester. Bad time I have at first, I was getting annoyed when asked to answer the excerpt for the first time, the old English. But then, things get clearer, I can start picturing the situation of the scene in my head, we make video of the chosen Acts in Macbeth, we have class discussion about this play Act by Act, and then we proceed with the second video project where this time we were given more freedom in interpreting it. All those task and activities for me, was clearly organized to make it easier for us in our journey in learning this genius play.

And most importantly, all my thanks to Ms. Dzeelfa for being patient with us, the problemous kids, in going through this 14 busy weeks. I admire your teaching and your patience in teaching us. You led us in a babystep towards finishing this play. If there are any other Shakespeare's play that we are going to learn, I'll be very happy to have you as our lecture again. As they said, "Cikgu dan Guru itu adalah dua perkara berbeza. Ms Dzeelfa adalah sang Guru" =)

This is the final entries assigned to us. But do this really have to be the final entry? I dont think so, as long as I still have any thoughts or confusion, I think this is the best place where I can put my piece of mind. So no, maybe this is not the final post. 

Just a million thanks again to Ms. Dzeelfa for the interesting learnings and tasks, to friends who have been sharing information and thoughts, and to myself to have some effort and courage to read the play. We'll see each other again next time.

Amir Suad Bin Asari

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