Saturday 2 June 2012

(7) Dagger versus backstabbers

Azami Mohamed 15492

I can see many of our classmates have talked about hallucinating Macbeast. Macbeast has hallucinated of flying dagger sort like that. Dagger. Dagger has struck my start-to-be-suffocating haired head. Why dagger? Here what I have found on dagger.

Picture shows a Jew STABBING German Army from the back using a DAGGER

As in my own prior knowledge, I found many assassin characters in cartoons and video games are armed with dagger, and their moves almost all named back-stab.

Dagger and back-stab, are very common to be associated together. Backstab is a form of traitor and treason. In the play, Macbeast have backstabbed his closest companion, Banquo. Soon, he hallucinated of dagger. This, in my opinion, is a way for Shakespeare to strengthen the backstabbing event of Macbeth in the story.
Why Macbeastdidn’t  get crazy over a broadsword? The English and Scottish are well known for their mastery in broadsword as the Japanese are popular with their katanas. And the Spanish if I am not mistaken with their pointy sword. I don’t know what they are called. Ok wait I just go and google it. Haha. Right, the Spanish swords are called the Rapier. Such a monstrous name.

Back to Macbeth play, I can see how we can strengthen some values and points just using symbols. Sometimes, we tend to over-write to make sure our reader/audience gets our message. But symbols, they are just powerful!

p/s gosh I really hate typing on this netbook. Too small for my semi-slim fingers. Unable to use my own laptop for I am watching football right now. LOL


  1. Try doing it on the mobile. hahaha. Your fingers will curse you (prolly only one particular finger)

  2. Back-stabbing is a running theme in a lot of Shakespeare's plays. Just goes to show how imbedded this practice is in the depths of our nature. Some happen unintentionally (as some people would claim to save their asses). Why do people betray (albeit without the intention)? For survival? Is that a valid reason even? Have you been betrayed? Have you betrayed?
