Thursday 10 May 2012

(1) yeah!

First thing that ever approach my mind when someone say Macbeth, was like it is a literature things and I’ve heard the name few times and nothing else.
So when Miss dzeelfa give the kick start for me, I think that is the better idea of leading people understanding towards The Macbeth story.
The text using so much difficult words that I have to admit I didn’t understand it at all, but using the jizz of the English words we could possibly understand it much much better.
The language are actually used by the old timer, but using those words these days make things difficult and it is a need for me to learn and adapt something from this text.
My first mistakes was when I do not understand I don’t want to ask people what is it all about, luckily I have friends like Khayma and Pei sha who always be there for any questions and difficulties. is such a frustration when we didn’t understand the text we try to read and understand.
Today I feel so lucky having such a good lecturer making things much easier for us which is not so good for us students whom actually the person who need to asks.
The story begin to connecting each other in my mind and I get the story line. It is really make me able to comprehend better and better. We start to know the characters, the settings, the irony,and what is actually happened in the story.
Frankly saying that I really don’t know anything about this Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, who are they? Where are all the settings in the story? Until we make it to tutorial 3..thanks a lot.

by maherlamm

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone in this struggle. Other people also find Shakespeare daunting to say the least.

    Work closely with your groupmates and yes, Peisha and Khayma (be nice to her!) i'm sure will definitely help you with related stuff. Don't wait until it's too late! We're here to help!
