Monday 21 May 2012

Thy First And Thy Last

Maal Fikri Jelani (151913)
Looking at what has been happening throughout this whole course, I would say that it is really interesting to study Macbeth and apply it in real life situation. I would admit I still have not lost interest in learning, just that I’ve been lost as how Macbeth has been lost in life too.

My early review of Macbeth is though the text that was given earlier during Ms. Dzelfa’s class. It awas some extract and I find it amusing because I have faced this uniquely weird old English before during Form 6.  I find that to actually study the whole text will take time and it is not easy to make interpretation without the modern translation of the original text.

I stumble upon a few scenes that I really love to explore, seems the only problem was that I lost my sense of commitment somewhere in the middle. Regrettably, I still need to face life as a whole and went with what the group has chosen. Act 3 Scene 3 is a yet an easy task. The scene was short and it required only men, which is suitable for this group.

It was a little bit confusing during the early stage of the discussion. But we manage to pull this out anyway. The idea of Scottish and wearing kilt was bold yet amazing interesting. I totally am not comfortable with wearing “kain pelikat”, in a way I don’t actually know how to wear one. But nevertheless, the whole scene, with some effort of the group, we tried to portray as much Scottish elements as we can. This Scottish element is due to the fact that Macbeth’s setting was in Scotland.

At the end of the day, our greatest problem yet was not the video shooting of even the acting, but the lack of technological ability has made the video I bit of a mess. I have no idea how to handle one movie maker and give credits to Yeng for the video outcome.

Finally, I would say that learning Macbeth has been interesting and I know for sure that even though I may have lost my way in the middle, I still manage to learn a few tricks or two when handling with this text. Hopefully the knowledge gained here would stay in thy head and heart for future involvement of literature works! Thank you.


  1. Right, so this is you Maal, in your maiden entry on the boys' blog. Since you have done Hamlet in form 6, I'm sure Macbeth does not come as a shock to you.

    Glad that you are feeling better these days and able to put your thoughts in words on the blog. Go to other blogs and look at how they have done their reflections.

    Hope to hear more from you.
