Wednesday 23 May 2012

(4) Disappointment


When I look back at our video project, all that I can say is, I’m very disappointed with the final production. I believe we can do more than that, we got the idea, but then we failed to execute it well. There is no self satisfactory in this assignment.

I’m not trying to give excuses here, but during our shooting period, Lots of major assignments need to be submitted and because of that, more or less, it effects our commitment towards video project, our group consist of six person, 2 were in charge in editing, planning and so on, while 4 others need to finish up the others assignment which is also a group assignment. I know its sound like a lame excuse, but that the fact. I’m not blaming anyone; I’m just expressing my feeling. I thought that we would manage to finish the assignment very well even though we are doing it in the last minutes, but then we are wrong. Last minutes work never achieve higher level of satisfaction especially when dealing with Macbeth video project.

Personally, I'm really disappointed with the video especially the sounds. I try to make it perfectly synchronized but then again, I failed to do it. 

I like this kind of assignment, making video is much better rather than sitting on your desk typing. But, honestly, we still believe we could do more that this.

i would like to show my appreciation to Miss Dzeelfa because despite of bad sound quality, she still gave us 6/7.5 which is I consider as way far beyond our expectation. We expect from the video project we only manage to get 4 or 5 mark.

I very looking forward for our next video project, I believe we can produce something much better. This is based on my perspective, not even my intention to say excuses, It just my feeling towards this video project.

Che Mohd Nazrin 153914

1 comment:

  1. Nazrin, I'm just glad that there was a video. I guess you all just did the best you could with such time constraint. Never mind, it's good to have a certain expectations of ourselves and be disappointed when we don't meet it, but you know what, let's move on and do better next time!

    I just want to know that you (and your friends) have so much potential in you, so continue to improve and hone the potential. Don't waste your lives!

    You told me once, the reason why u went on with the course is because you had no other skills. Well this is one skill you can get better in. And there are so many things that you can or have actually picked throughout the semesters. Don't give up and make the best of the situation that you are already in. Believe me i know what it's like.

    All those marks are all for you all, as long as you do your work and show effort, i have no problems with giving marks. For me, whatever grades you get at the end of the day, you gave it to yourself through the kind of effort you have put in. So even for other courses, aim high and give yourself an A (although thats not the most important thing in life).
