Monday 14 May 2012

(2) Unleash the Beast, Mac?


At the beginning, I might say as below:

"NO! Lady Macbeth is the one who influences Macbeth to assassinate those who are standing in his way! Macbeth is no beast."

Ahhh right. Really? The murder of Banquo. What has happened? Does Lady Macbeth really did plot the murder of Banquo? I say the beast inside Macbeth has done it.

Unlike the murder of Duncan, Lady Macbeth has NO part in the murder of Banquo, which is very important. Before this point, it was she who persuaded Macbeth to kill, but now Macbeth is stepping out on his own and making decisions. He even kept the plans for the murder a secret from her until it was over and done with.

This is hugely important to Macbeth because in Acts I and II, he felt sooo guilty over killing Duncan that he could barely do it. This is showing how Macbeth is unleashing the beast within because he is no longer feeling guilty for what he's done
Be king, or die trying - Macbeast

Be king, or die trying - Macbeast

1 comment:

  1. The witches, the wife, are only triggers of the intention that Macbeth had in him all along. What does that show ? I always believe that we shouldn't think too highly of anybody because in everyone of us, we bear human weaknesses.

    When dealing with other people's weaknesses, be accepting. Don't judge.

    Our task in life is to fight these weaknesses. Or die trying.
