Sunday 13 May 2012

(2) Just Like Us

no matters who you are
its inside you
small or big
its there
Laying inside your heart.

Last post I have posted a short animation about Macbeth, based on the video, I said that Macbeth is such an evil, a man who full with greed and terror. But then, when I try to understand this story from many sources, and from discussion initiate by miss Dzeelfa in class, I begin to see Macbeth in different ways, there is no doubt that Macbeth is a killer. But then, it is unfair to judge him as an evil. I still haven’t completely understood the story yet; I’ve got the gist of the story, but still struggling to go deep.
I still wonder, Macbeth is a great warrior, Thane of Glamis, killing enemy and go for war is just like his daily routine, but, if he such a terror, someone with cold hearted, why he so scared, so trembling when he must kill king Duncan? And freak out with the blood in his hand? Meaning that his heart is not pleased by what he had done. Killing somebody in war and killing somebody as a person is totally differences eventhough both are consider as killing, if someone who is evil, killing somebody as a person is nothing difference as killing in war, the blood, the rush is still the same, but not Macbeth, eventhough his is a warrior, Thane of Glamis!.
I would really love to response on the statement made by Miss Dzeelfa for discussion; each man is the architect of his own destiny.
Of course I would say yes. In our religion also said that even god wouldn’t change our destiny if we ourselves not to. Macbeth have the power to carry on his own destiny, he got distracted by the 3 witches and his wife, Lady Macbeth. Even Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, is also a normal human being, he’s not an angel, thus, there is unfair to say that Macbeth is greedy, high ambition, and so on. It is normal for human to have bad intentions, but, the problem here is when the bad side of Macbeth is being torch by others, just like lady Macbeth and the 3 witches, they who drive and inculcate Macbeth dark side.
I believe that 3 witches and Lady Macbeth were responsible for Macbeth down fall. I never believe that the witches are able to see the future, for me it’s only about the “power of suggestion,” the 3 witches know that deep in every warriors, every man, the desire to become a king, so do Macbeth. That’s why they initiate the Macbeth dark side and get Macbeth ready for doing anything to become a king. Lady Macbeth is the one that put Macbeth into disaster, she the one that plotting everything. Macbeth MAYBE a kind husband, Lady Macbeth takes this opportunity to manipulate Macbeth and force him to do the killing, and this goes on and on. Lady Macbeth as a wife I believe should be more moderate. (It just my wild thought,)
That all for this time, I’m still struggling to understand this Macbeth; I must confess that Macbeth is actually pretty good story, lots of things play in my mind right now. Unlike before, when somebody said Macbeth I was like, -go to hell-, but now, every time I heard Macbeth; I keep thinking about his act and the story.
My post this time is actually based on my wild thought. I know It’s a weak argument but I’m still struggling, the journey is not over yet.

Until next time.. Adios.
Che Mohd Nazrin 153914

1 comment:

  1. Very good Nazrin. No argument is ever too weak, when you have a stand about something.

    Let the next time not be too long ok?
