Saturday 26 May 2012

(3) Amboi Makbeh..

Maal Fikri Jelani

Well, this is funny! Our next task is to create a video using  the Northern dialect. honestly speaking, i am not purely "orang utara pun"... but the task was really interesting. we manage to group up and did the shooting yesterday... guess that we'll have enough time to actually edit and make sure that the video would turn out nice.. we used the scene suggested by ms. Dzelfa, the one when Macbeth and Banquo met the 3 witches.

It was a bit difficult to translate the text into the Northern dialect. and it really sounded funny too having a play of Macbeth in Malay. I did a little research about Macbeth in Malay. Interestingly, i found that there is a play performed by a group called "Kembara", having a play called Mak Beh. Is is actually a translation work done by a lecturer in USM. I did not get to know the name since the internet connection here is too slow.

But i did ask my father about that person. I will soon update this founding as soon i get the respond from my father back in USM.

P.S. But what i did manage to get is that the play is set in Sarawak with a youngster named Mak Beh. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes I saw Awatif's blog entry saying that you all are done with the video. She mentioned that you and Hanisah were cute because you both are not really fluent in cakap utagha. And there are pictures too. Too bad you can't read what she writes because their blog is locked.

    Yes, share the information you get later on the Kembara group and the translator. It's not Roselina Johari, is it?

    Do you have the link to that Sarawak Macbeth piece? Is it an article or a video?

    When I was doing some classes in ASK (now ASWARA) for their final year presentation a group did a piece based on Macbeth called Mek Beh. It was really good. 3 characters and all men, even for one female character. I don't know if what you came across is the same one.

    I've posted a video on a film based on Macbeth being banned in Thailand. Have a look at it.
