Wednesday 23 May 2012

(4) video project

first thing i wanna say here is...i'm not really happy with our presentation that day..
firstly..we have the idea on how to do it...we also had enough idea to make it interesting..but the thing is, we couldn't make it best because of some reason...

actually i didn't commit well in this task..i used to just helping for downloading music background and just giving some ideas..nazrin was the person who worked really hard to get the final result for our video..
from the beginning, we start the video recording in rainy we try to use our normal voice
but it didn't come out so good,,because of the side sounds like cars..raining sounds and many more..
so we used the dubbing technique where it is not so good and many of the major dramatization in our scene didn't synchronise the sounds.

the idea was there but nothing we can do if the sound doesnt match the act right...we have tried to edit the scene in a very interesting way..
i am very sorry for that..because i know Ms Dzeelfa also expect something from us..
for the next task of video i hope we could give you more..


1 comment:

  1. Let's move on and make things right in the next video! All the best!
