Tuesday 22 May 2012

Flipping Out.

Maal Fikri Jelani(151913)
Hey, never thought of actually posting here again anyway. Well, some flip of events happened. Now there would be another task which is the video. Just that this time it is different in a way we will be divided into groups of dialects. Well, I still have no idea what this task would be. Just so, we still have to do it anyway.

Talking about flip of events, something did flip today. I do apologize for being not so taking this seriously type of person. Just that, really forgot to bring the Macbeth play. But nevertheless, class still goes on and still we have to wait for the last few tasks to be given out. 

Just hope the tasks would be something better. I do crave of creating something great and wonderful to share. Seems that these last few tasks are what I need to focus on. May Macbeth be kind and friendly. Goodnight.

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