Thursday 10 May 2012

(1) MacBeast

Azami Mohamed 154992

My first time ever reading Macbeth! After lost in the deepest abyss, only on week 11 I manage to shake off those fears and brave through a chapter of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Zillions of thanks to Ms. Dzeelfa for showing us the light. And guess what, I'm still breathing and munching food after reading it. Alive and kicking.
Old English has never gave me a chance to be less intimidated. Okay that is just an excuse for me to keep myself away from reading books. Even modern English writings I hardly read occasionally. Unless if I was heavily interested in the title and stories that are themed on certain topic that I love, only then I have the motivation to read them on my own.
Alright, back to Macbeth. For a first timer, I say the story is very interesting, of course with a little help from Ms. Dzeelfa explaining roughly what is going on in the story. There are parts I couldn't understand a few words used in the story. Somehow, I'm still able to understand the whole sentence despite leaving the alien words behind.
One that interests me the most about Macbeth, is how people never change throughout history because of each ambitions. Macbeth was written hundred years ago, still we can see people killing/sabotaging each other in order to fulfil their ambition or dreams. Shakespeare must have written Macbeth based on what have happened on his days or he must have great prophecy skills like Nostradamus.
Secondly is on how Macbeth, in my opinion, is such a hypocrite person according to what I have read. After he heard the rumours brought by the witches, why did he imagining being a king, Thane of Cawdor? If he is such an innocent person, no matter how much dose of news or rumours brought to him, he should not have dreamt such way. Furthermore, why would Macbeth took the words of the witches who he described as ugly and lowly creatures, on such manner?
As a reflection to the present world, we can see there are many Macbeths around. Although not all are killers, but they have the same intention or ambition as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Some people are bringing others down, rather than bringing themselves up and compete healthily. Shakespeare must have seen this plight and decided to write it down for the people to ponder.
I think that is all for now. Will be composing more on this blogspot. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. A very apt title MacBeast is. Share with us strategies used to discovering more of this beast. If old English is a hindrance, what can you do?

    You can write, just be motivated.
