Thursday 24 May 2012

(2) Scottish in The Rain!!

Last week we presented our video project,
well the class had fun watching it, but we're not really satisfied.
They had fun watching the fight scene and 4 guys wearing kilts in the middle of pine forest,
but if they stress on watching the video as a whole, i mean from the aspects of audio, dialogue, angle work, storyline, they will not feel satisfy either.

Okey, what went wrong?
first, we choose a nice place i think. But the shooting is in the mid-day about 2 to 3 p.m.
If the filming is at night, the sound will be much better without the wind and the cars.
But that place is very scary at night, and many stories had been told by other students about 'Comel',
the 'girl' who is always around that area at night.. so no way man, i'm never gonna film there at night.

The first disadvantages of filming the day is, first the sound of course.. and then the torch part,
I realized that in the act 3 scene 3 the scene of the characters asking for light is quite often. We cant do that part as it is daylight and raining. Talk about rain, it changes the whole plan for that day. We don't plan to use dubbing technique that day, because we know we quite suck at it.=.= But the rain totally destroyed our voices in the video. No time left to do another filming, because me and Maal had to go out for our college programme, we use the dubbing technique, and the product, is as you guys watched.

All in all, actually we really had pack schedule that week,especially that weekend, i am sure the product should be much better if we're not that busy. And now we just received our next video project, and our schedule is not as pack as before, we will totally give our best, especially its in our east cost dialect, makes me excited! haha.

- Amir Suad -

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