Thursday 10 May 2012

(1) Macbeth, you are such a guy!!!

Oh my god, one man struggling with himself trying to change his fate. Whether, he want to believe the prophecy or himself. what a man he is?You know what? This is the first time for me to read about Macbeth. Seriously, we, I mean the guys, really did not interested in this at all but however after that morning session with Ms. Dzeelfa, What an experience I gain there. It was true.It was not that hard actually. I don't know what makes me think that this is a really pain in the neck. It is what you think that makes you slow down and keeping you from doing what we have to do. Macbeth.. I see a man who was actually obsessed with the witches prophecy until he takes that as his fate. he actually trying to make the prophecy happens, come true. the words from the witches become his beautiful dreams that actually happens to come true. He got promoted. That's true! However, all of that actually just the beginning. Who knows for sure what lies before him after that? As we go deeper into the story...
It happens to lead to something bigger. More of excitement, conspiracy, betrayal and so on. Of course the sentences sometimes make me lost but the word in the sentences still can make senses. Wow! I'm beginning to feel really excited about this. Once again, I'm back on the track. A millions thanks to Ms. Dzeelfa. We will try our best to make your time with us are not wasted. The end...

NAJMI 151690

1 comment:

  1. Great entry Najmi! As long as you are willing to try, I'm always here to help you all. Procrastination and fearing the unknown is normal. But fight it.

    How many Macbeths do we see in this age and day?
