Tuesday 29 May 2012

(6) Macbeth kecek Klate? Jolo ko?

I just can’t stop laughing. Our next video project is so interesting, we have to act out Macbeth in east coast dialect, our group consists of 4 people, me myself from Kelantan, Amir Suad is from Terengganu, and Salam and Azami are from Pahang. Doing Macbeth in our own daily dialect seems like giving us breathing spaces, we can actually enjoy during the shooting, and we don’t have to struggle to memorize the dialogue in old English.
Our scene is still the same like our previous video. Act 3 Scene 3 when Banquo is being killed in the forest. For this time our story board is just the same, we just extend the dialogue part and make the fighting scene more interesting. We even use syrup for blood effect, I quiet satisfied with the shooting, everybody give their commitment and support.
We have done our shooting yesterday. As usual we encounter lots of problem; our first major problem is to find someone who could help us filming our video. Since that we are unable to find somebody to help, we just proceed with 4 of us. Another thing is pertaining with sound quality, so based on the sound failure in our previous video, this time we decided to not use dubbing technique, we proceed with original recording voices.
For this time we try to be as gedebe as possible, we even use the real knife in fighting scene, hahahahahahahaha……
All in all, so far I satisfied with the progress of the video, but then the final product is still unknown…
Che Mohd Nazrin B. Che Mohd Yusoff 153914

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