Thursday 31 May 2012

(7) Persona poem

Taken from Google image.

I would like to choose Banquo for my persona poem.

Based on my reading, I would say that Banquo is an honoured man. He is different from Macbeth, although he had opportunity to become a king, and he himself heard what the 3 witches said about the prophecy, he still strong and never lets the greed control him, unlike Macbeth who is so obsessed by the prophecy and let the greed fill his heart.

Banquo and Macbeth is just like a same person with different path, Banquo take the witches prophecy with caution and full of doubt, while Macbeth easily get influenced by the prophecy.
Banquo actually try to protect Macbeth, Banquo can be considered as silent witness in King Duncan murder. Banquo try very hard to protect Macbeth, his companion. But in the end, Banquo was killed.. Killed by Macbeth!

So, I dedicate this poem to Banquo...

Smart, protective, honoured and generous
A friend of ambitious Macbeth
Who loves his son, Scotland and the smell of war
Who detests greediness, wild prophecy and the filthy witches
Who wants to see prosper Scotland, happy family and the beautiful sun setting
Resident of the heart of the king
Banquo the thane of nothing.

Che Mohd Nazrin B. Che Mohd Yusoff 153914


  1. voting for the underdog, I see! Great piece Nazrin.

  2. I like that "taken from the google image" hehe
