Tuesday 15 May 2012

(3) Honourable death.

Come on!
Fight me like a man!

We have decided to act out act 3 scene 3 for our Macbeth video project, the scene where Banquo gets killed by the murderers hired by Macbeth.  
Macbeth has gone too far, his greed is no longer driven by his wife; Macbeth begins to go far with his obsession towards the witches’ prophecy.

 I personally think that Macbeth is a coward, why doesn’t he kill Banquo himself? Banquo is a great companion and a good friend of Macbeth. Banquo should die in honour, he deserve to die in a proper manner. I feel that Macbeth himself should confront Banquo and fight him like a man. As a good friend of Macbeth, Banquo deserve a chance to know why he has to die, Macbeth as a friend should told it to Banquo, man to man talk, and settle it like a true warrior.

After reading act 3 scene 3, my feeling and impression towards Macbeth become more uncertain, all I know right know is that Macbeth is a coward,  men without honor and afraid of his own wife. He suppose to be able to handle his desire and greed, but then, he let his guard down,  allowing his wife to take charge and cause Macbeth to indirectly killed his friend, Banquo.

That’s all....
Until next time… Adios

Che Mohd Nazrin 153914

1 comment:

  1. A great choice for the video shoot! Do it well!

    Yes, Macbeth is slowly ruining himself. They say you can never know a person until he is in desperation. And he a desperate man he is! Desperate to keep the crown, desperate to keep his sins hushed, desperate to keep his being sane.

    Look at how he started off in the story, a loyal servant of the king, much loved by Duncan and potentially in line for the throne. He is a good man, and how he ended up in the story made this play a tragedy.

    He is a ruined man. And whose fault is it?
