Thursday 31 May 2012

(8) Macbeth kecek kelate? jolo ko? 2

editing process......

Rendering 6 minutes video took about 3 hour, I wonder how Hollywood people make 2 hour movie with lots of awesome effects.

One more major thing in editing a video, you need a powerful laptop, in order to finish up this 6 minutes video, I have to struggle with so many thing about my laptop, sometime its hang, sometime it just shut down. It really stresses me up.

For our video this time, we actually try to make it look like an 80an movie in terms of colour; we try to make it look old skool. At first we are planning to do it in black and white, after a further discussion we think that it’s not ok, so we just adjust the colour so that it will look like a Technicolor version.

By the way, I’m using Sony Vegas pro, the reason why I use this software is because they got multiple layers of sound and video, it easier to manage your video, others than that?, I know s%^t about Sony Vegas pro. I consider it as a learning process, my guru is obviously YouTube.

For the sound, we combined dubbing technique and some part we just maintain the original recording sound.
Editing a video is very tiresome, it’s about satisfaction; I quiet satisfied with this second video project, it’s much better than our previous video.

Another thing is about subtitle, instead of adding text in the video, we come out with much more practical solution, we just grab .srt folder from any movie, and replace the subtitle with ours. If we are adding or embedded the subtitle directly into the video, it will make rendering time become much longer, and I’m not some person who willing to wait 4 or 5 hours for 6 minutes video.

Last but not least, we just hope that our video can be enjoyed by other as this semester is going to end soon..


Che Mohd Nazrin B. Che Mohd Yusoff  153914


(7) Persona poem

Taken from Google image.

I would like to choose Banquo for my persona poem.

Based on my reading, I would say that Banquo is an honoured man. He is different from Macbeth, although he had opportunity to become a king, and he himself heard what the 3 witches said about the prophecy, he still strong and never lets the greed control him, unlike Macbeth who is so obsessed by the prophecy and let the greed fill his heart.

Banquo and Macbeth is just like a same person with different path, Banquo take the witches prophecy with caution and full of doubt, while Macbeth easily get influenced by the prophecy.
Banquo actually try to protect Macbeth, Banquo can be considered as silent witness in King Duncan murder. Banquo try very hard to protect Macbeth, his companion. But in the end, Banquo was killed.. Killed by Macbeth!

So, I dedicate this poem to Banquo...

Smart, protective, honoured and generous
A friend of ambitious Macbeth
Who loves his son, Scotland and the smell of war
Who detests greediness, wild prophecy and the filthy witches
Who wants to see prosper Scotland, happy family and the beautiful sun setting
Resident of the heart of the king
Banquo the thane of nothing.

Che Mohd Nazrin B. Che Mohd Yusoff 153914

Tuesday 29 May 2012

(6) Macbeth kecek Klate? Jolo ko?

I just can’t stop laughing. Our next video project is so interesting, we have to act out Macbeth in east coast dialect, our group consists of 4 people, me myself from Kelantan, Amir Suad is from Terengganu, and Salam and Azami are from Pahang. Doing Macbeth in our own daily dialect seems like giving us breathing spaces, we can actually enjoy during the shooting, and we don’t have to struggle to memorize the dialogue in old English.
Our scene is still the same like our previous video. Act 3 Scene 3 when Banquo is being killed in the forest. For this time our story board is just the same, we just extend the dialogue part and make the fighting scene more interesting. We even use syrup for blood effect, I quiet satisfied with the shooting, everybody give their commitment and support.
We have done our shooting yesterday. As usual we encounter lots of problem; our first major problem is to find someone who could help us filming our video. Since that we are unable to find somebody to help, we just proceed with 4 of us. Another thing is pertaining with sound quality, so based on the sound failure in our previous video, this time we decided to not use dubbing technique, we proceed with original recording voices.
For this time we try to be as gedebe as possible, we even use the real knife in fighting scene, hahahahahahahaha……
All in all, so far I satisfied with the progress of the video, but then the final product is still unknown…
Che Mohd Nazrin B. Che Mohd Yusoff 153914

Saturday 26 May 2012

(3) Amboi Makbeh..

Maal Fikri Jelani

Well, this is funny! Our next task is to create a video using  the Northern dialect. honestly speaking, i am not purely "orang utara pun"... but the task was really interesting. we manage to group up and did the shooting yesterday... guess that we'll have enough time to actually edit and make sure that the video would turn out nice.. we used the scene suggested by ms. Dzelfa, the one when Macbeth and Banquo met the 3 witches.

It was a bit difficult to translate the text into the Northern dialect. and it really sounded funny too having a play of Macbeth in Malay. I did a little research about Macbeth in Malay. Interestingly, i found that there is a play performed by a group called "Kembara", having a play called Mak Beh. Is is actually a translation work done by a lecturer in USM. I did not get to know the name since the internet connection here is too slow.

But i did ask my father about that person. I will soon update this founding as soon i get the respond from my father back in USM.

P.S. But what i did manage to get is that the play is set in Sarawak with a youngster named Mak Beh. 

Thursday 24 May 2012

(2) Scottish in The Rain!!

Last week we presented our video project,
well the class had fun watching it, but we're not really satisfied.
They had fun watching the fight scene and 4 guys wearing kilts in the middle of pine forest,
but if they stress on watching the video as a whole, i mean from the aspects of audio, dialogue, angle work, storyline, they will not feel satisfy either.

Okey, what went wrong?
first, we choose a nice place i think. But the shooting is in the mid-day about 2 to 3 p.m.
If the filming is at night, the sound will be much better without the wind and the cars.
But that place is very scary at night, and many stories had been told by other students about 'Comel',
the 'girl' who is always around that area at night.. so no way man, i'm never gonna film there at night.

The first disadvantages of filming the day is, first the sound of course.. and then the torch part,
I realized that in the act 3 scene 3 the scene of the characters asking for light is quite often. We cant do that part as it is daylight and raining. Talk about rain, it changes the whole plan for that day. We don't plan to use dubbing technique that day, because we know we quite suck at it.=.= But the rain totally destroyed our voices in the video. No time left to do another filming, because me and Maal had to go out for our college programme, we use the dubbing technique, and the product, is as you guys watched.

All in all, actually we really had pack schedule that week,especially that weekend, i am sure the product should be much better if we're not that busy. And now we just received our next video project, and our schedule is not as pack as before, we will totally give our best, especially its in our east cost dialect, makes me excited! haha.

- Amir Suad -

(4)Coincidence or what?

Azami Bin Mohamed 154992

This is no Dragonball.

Oh silly me! Of course there are foreshadows in the play. How come I missed to realize the other foreshadowing of this play apart from my previous blog post. We have gone through on the prophecy of the witches which are foreshadows of later events of the play. I still remember, Bancquo said to Macbeast on Act 1:


Again, I would like to credit this great playwright for his great mind and vision.
Browsing through my entries, I did mentioned the name Nostradamus on my first ever post. As we know, Nostradamus was well-known for his predictions in the past which later occur such as The Great London Fire, Napoleon and Hitler. I never expected that this French apothecary that I have mentioned on my first post can be related to those foreshadowing of the play and the witches prophecy.

Phew. I wonder if this was also been predicted by Shakespeare, the witches or Nostradamus. HAHAHA. Nah, I am never a fan of prophecy. Not that I am religious, although I am (LOL), but everything happens for a reason. But as for the play Macbeth, of course Shakespeare has the ultimate power to weave however he wants in his own play.

Side note: Unrelated to the text. I wonder if Shakespeare was ever a great chess player? Or a tactician for the Great Britain's army? 

(3) Macbeast's Nascent

Adjective: (esp. of a process or organization) Just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential; not yet fully developed.

I must say, clever Shakespeare. For a beginner, first reader like me, I am truly fascinated on how Shakespeare had developed this play. 
Let us see what do I meant with the nascent of  Macbeth

SCENE I. A desert place.

All witches said simultaneously: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air" right after they have mentioned Macbeth's name. After referring back to this scene, I see what Shakespeare did here. He was foreshadowing us, the reader/audience, on the potential of Macbeth has throughout this play.
Hover through the fog and filthy air? My humble opinion believes the phrase is referring to the blood spilled in order to achieve Macbeth's ambition. Filthy, dirty hands of the evil-doers.

Moreover, what did the witches have brought in the first act? PROPHECY. You Shakespeare, sir, do really have amazing play organization.
So Macbeth (read Macbeast), did you really started to develop your insane ambition only after you have encountered the witches?


(5) Why Jew??

A great movie by Steven Spielberg..
holocaust during Nazi's era.

Honestly, I’m still struggling to really understand the story of Macbeth, I know the storyline, the synopsis of the Macbeth, but I never go through with the original text. But, Something struck my mind, if I’m not go all out with Macbeth today, when is it?, Tomorrow? I guess no, better fight the battle today rather than say sorry tomorrow.  

In order to avoid me from getting confuse and bored with such outer space language, I go through the chapters that I feel I want to read by referring to SparkNotes no fear Shakespeare. Last night I have read the act 4 scene 1.

I’m very interested with the ingredients of potions by the 3 filthy witches, what attract me is the words “Jew”. I assumed Jew in this chapter refer to a particular race, or in Malay, “yahudi”. If it’s refer to something else, another special terms for something, I guess this whole post is rubbish.

Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witches' mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravined salt-sea shark,
Root of hemlock digged i' th' dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew,
Gall of goat and slips of yew
Slivered in the moon’s eclipse,
Nose of Turk and Tartar’s lips,
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-delivered by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab.
Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.

I guess it’s nothing, maybe Shakespeare try to make the line rhythmic, Jew with yew or something, but why Jew??..

Liver of blaspheming Jew?.

I wonder whether the people during Shakespeare time against Jew?, just like Hitler during Nazi era?

It must be a reason why is that a particular race is among others filthy ingredient, as we can read from the texts, all of the ingredients is based on dirty thing, so I guess, by placing the words Jew there - if Jew here really meant for particular race- so, Shakespeare portrayed Jew as a filthy thing?

Again, it just my wild thought, maybe it’s nothing..... Maybe it just a super small issues in the whole text of Macbeth.

I don’t know.


Che Mohd Nazrin 153914

Wednesday 23 May 2012

(4) video project

first thing i wanna say here is...i'm not really happy with our presentation that day..
firstly..we have the idea on how to do it...we also had enough idea to make it interesting..but the thing is, we couldn't make it best because of some reason...

actually i didn't commit well in this task..i used to just helping for downloading music background and just giving some ideas..nazrin was the person who worked really hard to get the final result for our video..
from the beginning, we start the video recording in rainy we try to use our normal voice
but it didn't come out so good,,because of the side sounds like cars..raining sounds and many more..
so we used the dubbing technique where it is not so good and many of the major dramatization in our scene didn't synchronise the sounds.

the idea was there but nothing we can do if the sound doesnt match the act right...we have tried to edit the scene in a very interesting way..
i am very sorry for that..because i know Ms Dzeelfa also expect something from us..
for the next task of video i hope we could give you more..


(4) Disappointment


When I look back at our video project, all that I can say is, I’m very disappointed with the final production. I believe we can do more than that, we got the idea, but then we failed to execute it well. There is no self satisfactory in this assignment.

I’m not trying to give excuses here, but during our shooting period, Lots of major assignments need to be submitted and because of that, more or less, it effects our commitment towards video project, our group consist of six person, 2 were in charge in editing, planning and so on, while 4 others need to finish up the others assignment which is also a group assignment. I know its sound like a lame excuse, but that the fact. I’m not blaming anyone; I’m just expressing my feeling. I thought that we would manage to finish the assignment very well even though we are doing it in the last minutes, but then we are wrong. Last minutes work never achieve higher level of satisfaction especially when dealing with Macbeth video project.

Personally, I'm really disappointed with the video especially the sounds. I try to make it perfectly synchronized but then again, I failed to do it. 

I like this kind of assignment, making video is much better rather than sitting on your desk typing. But, honestly, we still believe we could do more that this.

i would like to show my appreciation to Miss Dzeelfa because despite of bad sound quality, she still gave us 6/7.5 which is I consider as way far beyond our expectation. We expect from the video project we only manage to get 4 or 5 mark.

I very looking forward for our next video project, I believe we can produce something much better. This is based on my perspective, not even my intention to say excuses, It just my feeling towards this video project.

Che Mohd Nazrin 153914

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Flipping Out.

Maal Fikri Jelani(151913)
Hey, never thought of actually posting here again anyway. Well, some flip of events happened. Now there would be another task which is the video. Just that this time it is different in a way we will be divided into groups of dialects. Well, I still have no idea what this task would be. Just so, we still have to do it anyway.

Talking about flip of events, something did flip today. I do apologize for being not so taking this seriously type of person. Just that, really forgot to bring the Macbeth play. But nevertheless, class still goes on and still we have to wait for the last few tasks to be given out. 

Just hope the tasks would be something better. I do crave of creating something great and wonderful to share. Seems that these last few tasks are what I need to focus on. May Macbeth be kind and friendly. Goodnight.

Monday 21 May 2012

Thy First And Thy Last

Maal Fikri Jelani (151913)
Looking at what has been happening throughout this whole course, I would say that it is really interesting to study Macbeth and apply it in real life situation. I would admit I still have not lost interest in learning, just that I’ve been lost as how Macbeth has been lost in life too.

My early review of Macbeth is though the text that was given earlier during Ms. Dzelfa’s class. It awas some extract and I find it amusing because I have faced this uniquely weird old English before during Form 6.  I find that to actually study the whole text will take time and it is not easy to make interpretation without the modern translation of the original text.

I stumble upon a few scenes that I really love to explore, seems the only problem was that I lost my sense of commitment somewhere in the middle. Regrettably, I still need to face life as a whole and went with what the group has chosen. Act 3 Scene 3 is a yet an easy task. The scene was short and it required only men, which is suitable for this group.

It was a little bit confusing during the early stage of the discussion. But we manage to pull this out anyway. The idea of Scottish and wearing kilt was bold yet amazing interesting. I totally am not comfortable with wearing “kain pelikat”, in a way I don’t actually know how to wear one. But nevertheless, the whole scene, with some effort of the group, we tried to portray as much Scottish elements as we can. This Scottish element is due to the fact that Macbeth’s setting was in Scotland.

At the end of the day, our greatest problem yet was not the video shooting of even the acting, but the lack of technological ability has made the video I bit of a mess. I have no idea how to handle one movie maker and give credits to Yeng for the video outcome.

Finally, I would say that learning Macbeth has been interesting and I know for sure that even though I may have lost my way in the middle, I still manage to learn a few tricks or two when handling with this text. Hopefully the knowledge gained here would stay in thy head and heart for future involvement of literature works! Thank you.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

(3) Shivering!

In act 3 scene 4 after the killing scene towards Banquo, Macbeth seems happy when the killing was perfectly done. But when he enters the hall with some other friends in a very good party, Macbeth seeing the Banquo’s ghost appeared in the ceremony.
At first he was trembling of seeing this banquo’s ghost, he mention banquo’s name at the first place so I think that he is the one who play this game first.he said that he rather sees banquo's absent for some reason than anything bad happen to him.its a very irony when he himself ask someone to kill banquo 
Banquo’s death make him happy with the haunting of his king title but did not make it for further happiness because banquo was his best man ever, In friends relationship or in battle of war.
The hallucinations is like the flying dagger towards the king of addition to Macbeth from his wife..and also he became more confident when he quote something else like this..

Blood hath been shed ere now, i' th' olden time,
Ere humane statute purged the gentle weal;
Ay, and since too, murders have been performed
Too terrible for the ear. The time has been
That, when the brains were out, the man would die,
And there an end. But now they rise again
With twenty mortal murders on their crowns
And push us from our stools. This is more strange
Than such a murder is.
he try to make himself not the one to be blamed,but instead of relieving his heart, he actually make things worst because of the haunting to be the king different from just a normal killing...

by maherlamm

Tuesday 15 May 2012

(3) Honourable death.

Come on!
Fight me like a man!

We have decided to act out act 3 scene 3 for our Macbeth video project, the scene where Banquo gets killed by the murderers hired by Macbeth.  
Macbeth has gone too far, his greed is no longer driven by his wife; Macbeth begins to go far with his obsession towards the witches’ prophecy.

 I personally think that Macbeth is a coward, why doesn’t he kill Banquo himself? Banquo is a great companion and a good friend of Macbeth. Banquo should die in honour, he deserve to die in a proper manner. I feel that Macbeth himself should confront Banquo and fight him like a man. As a good friend of Macbeth, Banquo deserve a chance to know why he has to die, Macbeth as a friend should told it to Banquo, man to man talk, and settle it like a true warrior.

After reading act 3 scene 3, my feeling and impression towards Macbeth become more uncertain, all I know right know is that Macbeth is a coward,  men without honor and afraid of his own wife. He suppose to be able to handle his desire and greed, but then, he let his guard down,  allowing his wife to take charge and cause Macbeth to indirectly killed his friend, Banquo.

That’s all....
Until next time… Adios

Che Mohd Nazrin 153914

Monday 14 May 2012

(2) Unleash the Beast, Mac?


At the beginning, I might say as below:

"NO! Lady Macbeth is the one who influences Macbeth to assassinate those who are standing in his way! Macbeth is no beast."

Ahhh right. Really? The murder of Banquo. What has happened? Does Lady Macbeth really did plot the murder of Banquo? I say the beast inside Macbeth has done it.

Unlike the murder of Duncan, Lady Macbeth has NO part in the murder of Banquo, which is very important. Before this point, it was she who persuaded Macbeth to kill, but now Macbeth is stepping out on his own and making decisions. He even kept the plans for the murder a secret from her until it was over and done with.

This is hugely important to Macbeth because in Acts I and II, he felt sooo guilty over killing Duncan that he could barely do it. This is showing how Macbeth is unleashing the beast within because he is no longer feeling guilty for what he's done
Be king, or die trying - Macbeast

Be king, or die trying - Macbeast

(2) potential


is a very tough man where we can see 
he's fighting two  buckets of enemies in a row
but when he ge influenced by the three witches he always had the bad side of himself.
in addition, he is actually won the king's heart whom called him the worthy cawdor

human is a very subjective matter in order to study them closely
i have a very respectful opinion towards macbeth
he's like giving his all to protect the kingdom of scotland
he's trying to make the situation better and better

but a man with a very good potential
we will never can read in their heart like the king says to the earlier thane of cawdor
they must be like something deep inside 
where he still wants what he deserves in the first place which is the king! 

by maherlamm

Sunday 13 May 2012

(2) Just Like Us

no matters who you are
its inside you
small or big
its there
Laying inside your heart.

Last post I have posted a short animation about Macbeth, based on the video, I said that Macbeth is such an evil, a man who full with greed and terror. But then, when I try to understand this story from many sources, and from discussion initiate by miss Dzeelfa in class, I begin to see Macbeth in different ways, there is no doubt that Macbeth is a killer. But then, it is unfair to judge him as an evil. I still haven’t completely understood the story yet; I’ve got the gist of the story, but still struggling to go deep.
I still wonder, Macbeth is a great warrior, Thane of Glamis, killing enemy and go for war is just like his daily routine, but, if he such a terror, someone with cold hearted, why he so scared, so trembling when he must kill king Duncan? And freak out with the blood in his hand? Meaning that his heart is not pleased by what he had done. Killing somebody in war and killing somebody as a person is totally differences eventhough both are consider as killing, if someone who is evil, killing somebody as a person is nothing difference as killing in war, the blood, the rush is still the same, but not Macbeth, eventhough his is a warrior, Thane of Glamis!.
I would really love to response on the statement made by Miss Dzeelfa for discussion; each man is the architect of his own destiny.
Of course I would say yes. In our religion also said that even god wouldn’t change our destiny if we ourselves not to. Macbeth have the power to carry on his own destiny, he got distracted by the 3 witches and his wife, Lady Macbeth. Even Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, is also a normal human being, he’s not an angel, thus, there is unfair to say that Macbeth is greedy, high ambition, and so on. It is normal for human to have bad intentions, but, the problem here is when the bad side of Macbeth is being torch by others, just like lady Macbeth and the 3 witches, they who drive and inculcate Macbeth dark side.
I believe that 3 witches and Lady Macbeth were responsible for Macbeth down fall. I never believe that the witches are able to see the future, for me it’s only about the “power of suggestion,” the 3 witches know that deep in every warriors, every man, the desire to become a king, so do Macbeth. That’s why they initiate the Macbeth dark side and get Macbeth ready for doing anything to become a king. Lady Macbeth is the one that put Macbeth into disaster, she the one that plotting everything. Macbeth MAYBE a kind husband, Lady Macbeth takes this opportunity to manipulate Macbeth and force him to do the killing, and this goes on and on. Lady Macbeth as a wife I believe should be more moderate. (It just my wild thought,)
That all for this time, I’m still struggling to understand this Macbeth; I must confess that Macbeth is actually pretty good story, lots of things play in my mind right now. Unlike before, when somebody said Macbeth I was like, -go to hell-, but now, every time I heard Macbeth; I keep thinking about his act and the story.
My post this time is actually based on my wild thought. I know It’s a weak argument but I’m still struggling, the journey is not over yet.

Until next time.. Adios.
Che Mohd Nazrin 153914

Thursday 10 May 2012

(1) Macbeth, you are such a guy!!!

Oh my god, one man struggling with himself trying to change his fate. Whether, he want to believe the prophecy or himself. what a man he is?You know what? This is the first time for me to read about Macbeth. Seriously, we, I mean the guys, really did not interested in this at all but however after that morning session with Ms. Dzeelfa, What an experience I gain there. It was true.It was not that hard actually. I don't know what makes me think that this is a really pain in the neck. It is what you think that makes you slow down and keeping you from doing what we have to do. Macbeth.. I see a man who was actually obsessed with the witches prophecy until he takes that as his fate. he actually trying to make the prophecy happens, come true. the words from the witches become his beautiful dreams that actually happens to come true. He got promoted. That's true! However, all of that actually just the beginning. Who knows for sure what lies before him after that? As we go deeper into the story...
It happens to lead to something bigger. More of excitement, conspiracy, betrayal and so on. Of course the sentences sometimes make me lost but the word in the sentences still can make senses. Wow! I'm beginning to feel really excited about this. Once again, I'm back on the track. A millions thanks to Ms. Dzeelfa. We will try our best to make your time with us are not wasted. The end...

NAJMI 151690

(1) MacBeast

Azami Mohamed 154992

My first time ever reading Macbeth! After lost in the deepest abyss, only on week 11 I manage to shake off those fears and brave through a chapter of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Zillions of thanks to Ms. Dzeelfa for showing us the light. And guess what, I'm still breathing and munching food after reading it. Alive and kicking.
Old English has never gave me a chance to be less intimidated. Okay that is just an excuse for me to keep myself away from reading books. Even modern English writings I hardly read occasionally. Unless if I was heavily interested in the title and stories that are themed on certain topic that I love, only then I have the motivation to read them on my own.
Alright, back to Macbeth. For a first timer, I say the story is very interesting, of course with a little help from Ms. Dzeelfa explaining roughly what is going on in the story. There are parts I couldn't understand a few words used in the story. Somehow, I'm still able to understand the whole sentence despite leaving the alien words behind.
One that interests me the most about Macbeth, is how people never change throughout history because of each ambitions. Macbeth was written hundred years ago, still we can see people killing/sabotaging each other in order to fulfil their ambition or dreams. Shakespeare must have written Macbeth based on what have happened on his days or he must have great prophecy skills like Nostradamus.
Secondly is on how Macbeth, in my opinion, is such a hypocrite person according to what I have read. After he heard the rumours brought by the witches, why did he imagining being a king, Thane of Cawdor? If he is such an innocent person, no matter how much dose of news or rumours brought to him, he should not have dreamt such way. Furthermore, why would Macbeth took the words of the witches who he described as ugly and lowly creatures, on such manner?
As a reflection to the present world, we can see there are many Macbeths around. Although not all are killers, but they have the same intention or ambition as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Some people are bringing others down, rather than bringing themselves up and compete healthily. Shakespeare must have seen this plight and decided to write it down for the people to ponder.
I think that is all for now. Will be composing more on this blogspot. Cheers!

(1) KickStart!

First time i ever read a little part of the story is when Miss Dzeelfa give us the extract in the class and ask us to answer a few questions.
Whoa, it is an alien language they used in the novel.
I dont understand a single thing when i first read the extract.
After that, I do try to read it again, but still i dont understand the story.
I always came to dead end in understanding it when it started using the extraterrestrial words such as thee, whence, thou, and the weird structure of the sentence.
I actually do feel quite ashamed of myself that just today I understand those words, and its really simple!
it's just me who dont have the extra effort in trying to find the way to understand this beautiful story.
A million thanks to Miss Dzeelfa for your kindness today, now i'm studying the story myself little by little by the way you taught me.
This is a start, more entries will be posted after this.
Thanks again!

-Amir Suad-